
Peach & Mango Yoghurt Cake

And ever since the first whiff of strong delish from a can of Australian Golden Churn Butter which I chanced upon when contemplating on the ingredients to get for my next bake, theres no turning back. The rich, strong buttery taste gives much 'umph' to the bakes. I have yet to lay my eyes on President butter which I hear is as good, then again, it is not available from the nearby NTUC, hence, its Australian Golden Churn butter for now.

With 2 cuppas of Peach and Mango Yoghurt sitting in the fridge, it got me thinking to re adapt the Lemon Yoghurt Cake receipe for Peach & Mango Yoghurt instead. A good alternative replacement I would say. If you look closely, you can see the bite size peach and mango within the cake. Healthy way to get my siblings and Mom to eat yoghurt in the cake indeed.

Though there are obvious bubbles in the texture due to my overmix, but otherwhich, the texture is moist, soft, delish cake which goes well even with plain Japanese Matcha green tea.

Nice. Really enjoy the moment of indulgence into bake and space away from the work hazards.

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