
This receipe is from Aunty Peony's blogsite. Rather than baking it in baking pan, i made it into cuppies for easy of sharing with friends and colleagues.
1st batch was 'distorted' due to my greed and as it overflowed and oozed out of the paper cups, and as I had extra cream cheese which was delicious, I scooped a tsp over to camouflage. It does seem better looking after that.
2nd batch turned out better as I moderated the proportion abit better and therein, a little wiser. This batch was shared with friends of mine whom I have not met for quite awhile due to our hectic work schedule. Hope they enjoyed it. Well, they received it via my sister who met with one of them to hand over to the rest of them. They are all staying in the north east whereas I stay in the west, the only best meeting place is the central where my sister is working, good reason aint it ?
Reminder again for me is more patience in baking coz over zealous greed can result in not perfect end product. Yes, patience indeed.
Cheers !